Date(s) - 28/11/2019 - 03/12/2019
All day
Budapest, Hungary
Project type
Selected participants
Training and conference for representatives of sport organizations about the topic of “good governance in sport”. Event is part of our project -“Good governance in Sport” that aim is to improve good governance in sport, analyze current situation, prepare and support next sport leaders in this field.
There were 3 participants from Slovakia – from Slovak ski association, Slovak swimming federation and Slovak Hiking Club.
Video from event here:
More information about the event:
During this activity, we presented the analysis to the organizations we have monitored and provided participants with consultations about improving their results. Certification module consisted in a 3 days training for management staff of sport organizations at national and local level, but the participating experts were able to reform their organizations, based on the knowledge they gained and on the recommendation we launch.
Results of the certification module:
- 21 prepared and trained management staff of sport organizations at national and local level
- Increased knowledge and attention on good governance in sport topic and their level of implementation in the organizations they represent;
- Self-learning path presentation during the event.
Duration: 3 full working days activities, 2 travel days.
Full information about the project:
Participants were from Italy , Bulgaria
, Greece
, Hungary
, Croatia
and Slovakai