Good governance in Sport

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Date(s) - 01/02/2018 - 30/06/2021
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Slovakia and around Europe

Project type

Selected participants

The project aimed to find the way of analysing, collecting and promoting the practices for proper visibility of the decisions taken, decision making stakeholders, transparency of public funding in sport organizations.

Project aims:

  • to improve good governance in sport in sports organizations in Europe at local, national and European level and to raise awareness of good governance in sport;
  • to analyze the public presentation of sports organizations and gather information for further policy-making in this area;
  • to prepare and support future sports leaders who implements the values of integrity, “fair play”, transparency, integrity, fairness;
  • to create informative and educational materials on good governance in the field of sport (we have collected good practices, created publications and an e-learning platform).

Project activities:

We have implemented several local and international trainings, conferences, workshops, as well as research, research, created 2 publications and an e-learning platform.

Project outputs:

1. Research report on Good Governance in Sport 

2. Handbook for Sport organizations is here: Handbok

3. Online course 

More information:

7 countries were cooperating on the project – Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgarian sports development association (project coordinator), Greece Greece – ΑΕΤΟΙ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ, Italy Italy – Mine Vaganti NGO, Croatia Croatia – Riječki Sportski Savez, Hungary Hungary – Remenyt a Gyermekeknek Közhasznú Egyesület, Poland Poland – Stowarzyszenie Instytut Nowych Technologii and Slovakia Slovakia – our organization.

All information about the project can be found here:

Visualization of the implemented project activities:

Facebook project group, where they are regularly shared and various information in this area –