What does ADEL actually mean?
Category:OthersOur abbreviation ADEL can have various meanings, therefore we will introduce it here 🙂
Our abbreviation ADEL can have various meanings, therefore we will introduce it here 🙂
Like perhaps all, we also analyzed whole past week year that is about to end. So here are the most important information:
We sent 505 young people for 116 different youth exchanges and trainings to 29 different countries. We organized in Slovakia 2 youth exchanges where 66 people participated. There were 25 young people abroad doing European Voluntary Service in 9 countries.
559 – this is the number of young people who have had the opportunity through ADEL this year to participate in various projects. We increased the number over the last year more than three times. We co-organized 88 projects in 27 different countries and we have organized three projects in Slovakia.We also sent out the first six volunteers
We have recently published opportunity to fill in anonymous questionnaire about ADEL in which we asked several questions related to our activities in order to know what projects you like, how long time you would like to have to apply, what we could improve and so on. All responses we analyzed and gradually implement, but we publish now at least some answers to the question “What do you like about us” in order that even those of you who still hesitate apply for our projects no longer hesitate 🙂
We recently co-organized youth exchange called “END OF CULTURAL bariers” which was held in Spain and which was focused at sharing information about countries and cultures which participated in a youth exchange, and also its aim was ruining prejudices and stereotypes. Participants who wished to participate had to write an essay about what they are within our Slovak culture and country itself proud of. Here are some parts of essays …
Všetky práva vyhradené 2013-2020 | ADEL SLOVAKIA | Created by Patrik Spišák