Don’t Stop Me Now

Vila Nova de Cerveira
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Dátum konania
06/03/2020 - 13/03/2020

Miesta konania
Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal

Typ projektu:

Mládežnícka výmena na severe Portugalska, počas ktorej účastníci diskutovali ako pomocou športu rozvíjať pozitívne spoločenské postoje a hodnoty, ako aj individuálne zručnosti a schopnosti, ktoré využívame v bežnom živote.

Článok z výmeny je tu:

Viac informácií o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:

The Youth Exchange “Don’t Stop Me Now” had as main theme sports as a tool for transmitting values that can be transposed to one’s daily life. Our objective was to make participants, from different European countries, think together and develop skills and methods of develop the necessary skills. In this sense, during the project, participants had the opportunity to understand the methodologies and best practices in sports in the transmission of values that can be transposed into everyday life.

During these days material was prepared with the results of the activity “Don’t Stop ME Now” where participants, divided by multicultural groups, developed, through different tools (video, collages, brochure, interviews, powtoon,…), diverse material related to the theme to be disseminated. Through the project, participants had a chance to develop also skills such as self-esteem, communication, teamwork…

Booklet from youth exchange is here:

Účastníci výmeny boli z Portugalska Portugal, Bulharska Bulgaria, Poľska Poland, Turecka Turkey, Talianska Italy a Slovenska  Slovakia. Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov.